Serbian Spatial Planning Association is a non-party, non-governmental and non-profit expert association whose principal goals are gathering and technical and expert organizing of spatial planners and professional institutions that carry out the activities of spatial and urban planning, regulation and protection of space.
The goals of the Association are:
- technical and expert organizing of spatial planners and professional institutions that carry out the activities of spatial and urban planning, in order to achieve common interests;
- of permanent humane expert and scientific aspects of spatial and urban planning, regulation and protection of space and improvement of the environment;
- of the policy of urbanization and spatial development, according to the democratically established social needs;
- of activities of spatial and urban planning and improvement of organizational and staff characteristics necessary for the development of these activities;
- of humane and spatial values, rational use of space and protection of natural and architectural heritage;
- and promotion of expert and scientific bases of planning, development of information and documentation systems of interest for planning and development and affirmation of contemporary planning techniques;
- of education, training of new professionals and updating of skills of the existing personnel from the domain of spatial and urban planning;
- Protection and affirmation of professional interests and expert and professional status of the members of the Association;
- Exchange of expert, scientific, methodological and practical experiences trough development of organized information of members and wider expert public;
- Development of cooperation with related organizations, associations and unions in Serbia and abroad;
- Exchange of experiences of spatial planners, among the members of the Association and with the representatives of other professions;
- of the activities of the members of the Association in the field of professional, scientific and social acting in domain of spatial and urban planning and awarding adequate prizes and recognitions for successful achievements.